At The Heart Of Digital Factories
Our Products & Services
Opcenter Planning
Calculate the nett effect of sales orders and forecasts, set days of cover and capacity requirements per made product.
Then calculate the Master Production Schedule (MPS) and check it versus Rough Cut Capacity (RCCP).
Run MRP for lower levels of Bill Of Materials (BoM), to generate suggested make and buy quantities with target dates.

Opcenter Scheduling (Preactor)
Detailed calculations happen here, and display in a Gantt chart / Work To List.
Rules help you to make a schedule quickly, users can override with drag & drop methods.
Spend some time trying What-If scenarios to inform future strategic decisions.
Using actual works orders (WO), plus MPS and MRP suggestions for all levels of the BoM.
Scheduling rules include: Parallel loading | One job at a time | Forwards | Backwards | Bi-directional around bottlenecks | Minimise WIP | Minimise setup & changeovers | Preferred sequence | Product wheel methodology.

ERP Integration
Packaged interfaces between Opcenter and Sage® X3, 1000, 200, 50 / CIM50 and Microsoft NAV.
We'll work with you to build data flows for other ERP systems, via SQL, ODBC, OData, CSV.

Our system of reports and actions to compliment Opcenter APS.
Work to lists for the factory | Stock projections | Shortage report | Supplier call in report | Buyer shopping list builder | SFDC Operation progress tracking | Sales order available date report | Nett sales / forecast control | Warehouse requests kanban board.

Full Implementation Service
System and process analysis
Vision of how to improve existing processes
Advice on how to collect and store core data in the ERP system
Proof Of Concept option
Implementation and configuration of APS and data interfaces to match requirements
Tailored scheduling rules using the inbuilt programming interfaces (API)
Report writing, if you don't have in-house skills
Go live help
Ongoing support
Dashboard Technology
(Now part of slectFactory for Opcenter users, or available standalone as a dashboard system)
Design your own interactive dashboards and reports, pulling data from Opcenter or your ERP system or many other sources. Or ask us to analyse your data for you.
Any number of users, any subject, just show us where the data is!

Get in touch
To learn more & see a demo

Via the chat button or email address shown below